Affordable Housing Resources

List of Subsidized Housing in Oakland County
List of Subsidized Housing in Macomb County
List of PHAs for State Of Michigan

Websites to locate housing
Shelter Resources
Macomb County Warming Shelters
Click here to view a list of Warming Centers in Macomb County. The warming centers are public facilities where people may go for relief during temporary periods of extreme cold weather. Facilities provide water and restrooms.
Single person or family experiencing homelessness
Salvation Army MATTS: 586-755-5191
24140 Mound Rd., Warren MI 48091
Provide Housing - Warren (salvationarmy.org)
MCREST: 586-415-5101
215 S. Main St., Mt. Clemens MI 48043
Adults seeking overnight shelter in the winter
Macomb County Winter Warming Shelter: 586-277-2500
Operating November 3, 2024 - March 22, 2025
Located at Trinity Lutheran Church Warren
8150 Chapp Ave, Warren, MI 48089
Youth experiencing homelessness
Veteran experiencing a housing emergency or homelessness
Veterans Community Resource and Referral Center: 313-576-1580
Experiencing domestic violence
Turning Point: 24 Hour Hotline 586-463-6990
Mailing Address: PO Box 1123, Mount Clemens, MI 48046
In other communities
Wayne County (other than Detroit) | Wayne Metro: 734-284-6999
Detroit | CAM Detroit: 313-963-6601
Oakland County | CHN Housing Resource Center: 248-269-1335 or email HRC@chninc.net